Latin America

“Human body not designed for homosexuality,” says Mexican Church

Online editorial preaches that gay marriage foments illnesses and other diseases

Cardinal Norberto Rivera celebrates Mass at Mexico City's cathedral.CARLOS PEREDA (NOTIMEX)

Just one month after the Mexican Supreme Court gave the green light for gay marriages, the Catholic Church has come out against same-sex unions by calling them “a public health problem.”

“The human body is not designed for a homosexual relationship,” reads an editorial published in the Catholic website Desde la fe (From the faith), which is run by Mexico’s archdiocese.

A woman has a cavity specially prepared for sexual intercourse, which is lubricated to facilitate penetration”

“The Church is opposed [to gay marriage] because it does not want anyone to suffer the damage that this kind of marriage often causes: injuries to physical, psychological and spiritual health,” said the editorial, which was published on Sunday.

This is not the first time that the Catholic Church has publicly expressed its opposition over the Supreme Court ruling made public on June 11, which allows persons to challenge state laws across Mexico that ban same-sex matrimony.

Soon after the ruling, Mexico’s Episcopal Conference said it was opposed to homosexual unions based on “scientific, social and religious reasons.”

Gay marriage laws have been passed in Mexico City and the states of Coahuila and Quintana Roo. The top court’s decision doesn’t overturn any laws in Mexico’s 31 states but opens the door for those who want to challenge local statutes.

Mexico’s landmark ruling came just days before the US Supreme Court legalized homosexual marriages across 50 states and in US territories and possessions.

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In an unusually graphic description in the editorial, entitled Why is the Church opposed to gay marriage?, Catholic officials argue that a “woman has a cavity specially prepared for sexual intercourse, which is lubricated to facilitate penetration, resists friction, and secretes substances that protect the female body from infections that are present in semen.

“On the other hand, a man’s anus is not designed to receive, only to expel. Its membrane is delicate, it tears easily, and lacks protection against external agents that could infect it.

“A penis that penetrates an anus severely damages it, causing bleeding, infections, and eventually incontinence, given that with continuous enlargement, the hole loses the strength to close,” the article reads.

At least 90 percent of Mexicans are Roman Catholic, but in a recent poll 70 percent said they favor gay marriage.

The editorial greatly contrasts with Pope Francis’ statements on homosexuality, when he said two years ago that “if someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?”

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