Four people in Spain hospitalized after suffering heat strokes

40ºC+ temperatures expected to last until mid-July in central and southwestern Spain

A young man tries to stay cool at a fountain inside the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba.RAFA ALCAIDE (EFE)

The scorching weather beating down on Spain this summer is taking its toll on the population.

Four people have been hospitalized over the last few days in Castellón, Mérida and Huelva due to heat-related illnesses.

In the Madrid region, emergency services have handled 123 heat-related calls in the last two weeks, although no serious illnesses have been reported, according to news agency Europa Press.

More information
Spain’s heatwave: a survival guide
Why the heat puts us in a bad mood

Spain is experiencing two back-to-back heat waves that have already broken historical temperature records for this time of the year.

The current hot spell is expected to last at least until July 16 in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In the Canaries, temperatures will gradually cool down beginning this Friday, according to the national meteorology agency Aemet.

Until then, thermometers will register over 40ºC in central and southwestern Spain. Elsewhere, top temperatures of around 35ºC are expected. Coastal areas will benefit from cool breezes.

Victims of heat strokes

  • Castellón. One of the firefighters helping put out a blaze in Montán, where lightning struck on Tuesday, was evacuated by helicopter after showing signs of heat stroke.

  • Mérida. An 84-year-old man remains in very serious condition at a Cáceres hospital, where he was admitted with a body temperature of 44ºC. He is currently in the Intensive Care Unit.

  • Huelva. Two men aged 54 and 71 are in the intensive care units of two local hospitals after suffering heat strokes. The older man was unconscious by the time he was admitted into the medical center. The younger man, a Ukrainian national, was taken to a city hospital from the municipality of Cartaya, where he was doing agricultural work.