An open letter to Donald Trump from the daughter of a Mexican migrant

Adriana Almanza’s post has gotten more than 325,000 likes on Facebook

Adriana Almanza with her father.FACEBOOK

Some live in a fantasy world, others live in reality. Adriana Almanza has no doubt as to where she stands.

The 28-year-old, who lives in Wyoming, decided to respond to the controversial remarks made about Latin Americans by billionaire Donald Trump on June 16, when he announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination.

The daughter of a Mexican migrant worker, and with a bachelor’s degree in international affairs, Almanza posted her message on her Facebook page.

“I'd like to take a minute to introduce you to my father, Raul Almanza. As you so eloquently put it, he is one of the many that Mexico ‘sends’ to this country.

My dad doesn’t drink, he doesn’t use drugs and he is certainly not a criminal or rapist”

“30 something years ago, Mexico ‘sent’ my father to the United States [—] or El Norte as we call it. It is no secret that he came here undocumented, unauthorized, or “illegal” as you call it. He worked his ass off in the fields […] traveling from state to state to find work. He helped provide for his parents and 9 siblings back home. And when I was born, he no longer held the title of just a son, brother, provider, and migrant worker – he finally earned the title of Father.

“My dad has worked 5-6 days a week since I was a child and I've never heard him complain about it one time. He doesn't drink. He doesn’t use drugs. He is certainly not a criminal, rapist, or drug trafficker, as your speech suggested,” Almanza wrote.

Her June 22 post has gained global attention, with more than 325,000 “likes” and 144,000 “shares” on Facebook by Monday.

The message from the daughter of a migrant worker is one of many against Trump for the statements he made, which were specifically aimed at Mexicans, calling them “criminals,” drug traffickers and “rapists.”

Mr Trump, in your speech, you claimed that Mexico doesn't send the US their best. But I beg to differ”

Trump said that if he was elected, he would build “a big wall” along the Mexican border to keep migrants from entering the United States.

Last week, the biggest Spanish-language television network in the United States, Univision, announced that it was canceling its scheduled July 12 telecast of the Miss USA Pageant – an organization co-owned by Trump – after he made his speech.

Univision was to broadcast the beauty pageant simultaneously with NBC for the first time for its Spanish-speaking audience.

“Mr Trump, in your speech, you claimed that Mexico doesn't send the US their best. But I beg to differ. If my dad is any representation of the type of people Mexico ‘sends,’ there is no doubt in my mind this country is getting the best.

“The problem is that you and I have a different definition of ‘the best’,” wrote Almanza.

On her Facebook page she appears smiling in a selfie along with her father.

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