Man arrested carrying 1,200kg of hash bundles in plain sight

The Civil Guard stopped the smuggler after spotting him driving with no lights on

The vehicle, which was carrying 40 bundles of hash.GUARDIA CIVIL

While some drug traffickers go to great lengths to hide their cargo – disguising it inside false limbs, children’s story books or even in hair extensions – others prefer to keep things simple, and load the goods in their car without even covering up the windows.

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The Civil Guard in Huelva arrested a 34-year-old man in the city of Isla Cristina last Tuesday, after spotting a ton of hash, divided into 40 bundles, in plain sight in his car.

The officers were carrying out a surveillance operation in the coastal area, when, in the early hours of April 7, they saw a car being driven with its headlights off.

After approaching the driver, they saw the packages, which contained a total of 1,220 kilos of hash. They proceeded to arrest the man on suspicion of public health offenses, and are now investigating the origin of the drugs, according to the Civil Guard.