Clearly inspired by Goya’s painting ‛La maja desnuda,’ Joaquín Blez created this ‘Nude’ in 1920. A major pioneer of human body photography in Cuba, Blez traveled and worked in France, Germany and the United States, and was one of the founders of the Club Fotográfico de La Habana in the island’s capital, where he set up his studio.rafael acostaTaken in 1990, ‘Brindis de Caravaggio’ (or, Caravaggio’s toast) is by Havana-born photographer Herman Puig. He left Cuba in 1957 and worked in Paris and Barcelona, where he mostly photographed male nudes.rafael acostaTitled ‘La vida y la muerte’ (Life and death), the original of this famous photograph by Alberto Díaz, aka “Korda,” is lost. In order to include it in his book, Acosta had to enlarge a still shot taken from a documentary about the photographer’s studio. Korda was also responsible for one of the most iconic pictures in the entire history of photography, his much-reproduced portrait of Che Guevara.rafael acosta‘El sueño’ (The dream) by Raúl Corrales from 1959. Corrales worked under Ernesto Che Guevara’s orders and later for Fidel Castro.rafael acosta‘Untitled,’ a 1995 photograph by René Peña. Born in 1957 in Havana, Peña is a member of the so-called New Generation of Cuban Photographers. He shows a predilection for erotic subject matter, and his work has been exhibited in several countries.rafael acosta‘Untitled,’ a 1950 photograph by Roberto Rodríguez Decall, a master at capturing the human body. Rodríguez Decall was one of the founding members of the influential Club Fotográfico de Cuba.rafael acosta‘No por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano’ (or, Getting up early won’t make the sun rise any sooner) (1996-97) by Cirenaica Moreira. Born in Havana in 1969, Moreira has had her work exhibited in Cuba and elsewhere. It represents one of the most novel approaches to the human body among the new generation of Cuban photographers.rafael acostaA portrait by Julio Bello from 2003. A photojournalist by trade, he has also worked in advertising and earned numerous awards and international accolades.rafael acosta‘La patria reclama pudor’ (The homeland demands modesty), a 2010 image by Guibert Rosales, one of the most recent photographers mentioned in Acosta’s book.rafael acosta‘Retrato del boxeador Kid Chocolate’ (Portrait of the boxer Kid Chocolate – 1931), by Aladar Hajdú, also known as Rembrandt. Hajdú owned one of the most important photography studios in Havana during the first half of the 20th century. He was well appreciated by the local bourgeoisie, and chief among his work is this well-known portrait.rafael acosta