The district of Molina-Alto Tajo in Guadalajara province, near the border with Teruel, is one of the most unpopulated areas in the entire Iberian peninsula. A rural exodus that began in the 1950s has turned this administrative division into a freezing desert – it is also one of the coldest places in Spain. Official records show that the area, which encompasses 77 villages, has a population of 1.63 inhabitants per square kilometer, but the real figure is almost certainly lower as hamlets such as Selas have 64 registered residents but only 11 people actually live there. Compared with other sparsely populated regions of the world, the statistics for Molina-Alto Tajo are remarkable: in Siberia the population density is three people per square kilometer while in Lapland it is two.
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The Spanish Siberia

Molina-Alto Tajo in Guadalajara province has a population density even lower than that of the Russian region

Rut de las Heras Bretín