A statue of Catalan former leader Jordi Pujol, who faces charges of tax evasion after it was discovered last year that he had salted millions of euros away in a secret account in Andorra. The statue was toppled from its plinth on a roundabout in Premiá de Dalt, Barcelona province, last September, but was subsequently repositioned.A plaque bearing the name of Ricardo Romero de Tejada, mayor of the Madrid dormitory town of Majadahonda between 1989 and 2001, and now implicated in an investigation into financial wrongdoing at the former Caja Madrid, now Bankia, savings bank.EL PAÍSThis monument to the miners of Andalusia, erected in the small community of San Nicolás del Puerto, in Seville province, bears the name of Socialist Party politician Javier Guerrero, who is under investigation for his role in an early retirement fund scandal.Heinz Hebeisen (Iberimage)This huge sculpture at the entrance to Castellón airport was “inspired” by Carlos Fabra, the former head of the provincial government of Castellón province, who in December 2014 began an eight-year jail term for tax evasion.ANGEL SANCHEZ