Four gender violence deaths in two days

A 47-year-old English teacher in Torremolinos was killed after her partner slit her throat

On the eve of International Women’s Day, tragedy has struck in Spain with reports of four gender-violence deaths over the last two days. The toll of victims has risen to 15 so far this year, with the two most recent cases reported in Andalusia.

On Wednesday, a woman and her young daughter were killed in San Roque, Cádiz province, when her mother’s partner allegedly murdered them both. He apparently tried to commit suicide afterwards, and was taken to a local hospital where he is recovering.

Sometime later in Ceuta, a man shot the boyfriend of his ex-partner, leaving him seriously wounded.

In Ceuta, a man shot the boyfriend of his ex-partner

Then on Thursday, police in Torremolinos, Málaga, reported a woman’s death after her partner allegedly slit her throat. The 46-year-old suspect was taken to Vírgen de la Victoria hospital in Málaga after he also tried to commit suicide with an attempted overdose.

The victim was identified as a 47-year-old English teacher who worked at a local language school. Police said that she had not filed any type of complaint against her partner in the past.

Her body was found by her parents at her home on Decano Miguel Marengo street, where she had lived for the past three years. Prior to that, police said someone had called emergency medical services to report that a woman was injured with a cut to the neck. The couple had recently separated.

In Chiclana de la Frontera, police believe a 79-year-old man took his own life after shooting his 76-year-old wife. A medical team found the woman lying in a pool of blood after a neighbor called to report the incident. The man’s body was later found nearby with a gunshot wound to his head. The incident occurred at rural zone in the municipality known as Cañada de los Barrancos, an illegal shanty housing community.

Chiclana de la Frontera city officials decided to call off a scheduled observance ceremony on Thursday in commemoration of International Women’s Day, which will be officially observed worldwide on Saturday.