
One dead, six in hospital after binge drinking in Almeria

Police and emergency services assisted young men aged between 21 and 37

A 30-year-old man was left dead and six more, aged between 21 and 37, were hospitalized in Almería after what police suspect was a "botellón," an outdoor group drinking binge that is popular with teenagers and young adults.

Several bottles of alcohol were found near the victims, the wire service Europa Press reported.

Police believe that at least one bottle of "whiskey" had been found in a trash bin El Ejido. The bottles were all take to a forensic lab for further study.

According to a preliminarily inquiry, six men found a bottle and drank from it, and were later joined by two men of Moroccan origin, one of whom died later.

Carmen Crespo, the government delegate in Andalusia, said that preliminary investigation indicated that there may have been a toxic substance mixed with the alcohol. The incident occurred on the eve of Andalusia Day, which is observed on Friday.

Emergency services told the Efe agency that a passerby called around 2.20am early Friday to report that several individuals were lying on the ground on Trajano street, in downtown Almería, looking highly inebriated.

The police and emergency services assisted the young men, who were taken to Torrecárdenas hospital.

On the corner of Trajano and Dalías street the police found two other youths in a similar condition, including the victim who died.

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