Two arrested in Burgos disturbances remanded in custody

Judge releases remainder of detainees after violent street protests against city boulevard project

Two of the people arrested during the disturbances in Burgos have been placed in custody with bail set at 3,000 euros following two days of courtroom testimony by 40 suspects who were detained at the weekend. The men, ages 18 and 24, have been accused of “public disorder and damages” in relation to the ongoing protests launched by residents against a construction project to convert Calle de Vitoria into a boulevard. A further six people are waiting to appear before the judge having been arrested overnight on Monday.

Releasing 11 of the detainees on Tuesday, the judge imposed an order for them to report to the courthouse on the first and 15th of every month. They were also arrested for public disorder offenses. Of the 40 people arrested, 11 are minors.

The Interior Ministry on Monday placed the blame for the disturbances on “violent groups that travel” across Spain to infiltrate protests and seek confrontation. During the unrest the police reported being pelted with bottles and rocks, while garbage containers were also set alight. However, all of the detainees are residents of Burgos and at least three are members of the hardcore supporters group Resaca Castellana, linked to Burgos Football Club, police sources said.

Meanwhile, work to enlarge Calle de Vitoria remains on hold. The local authorities have said that “not a finger will be lifted” while the risk of someone getting injured remains.