
70 tourists evacuated after Barcelona cable car failure

Ride will be closed for at least two days while the cause of the failure is investigated

Clara Blanchar
Firefighters during the rescue operation at the Miramar stop of the cable car.
Firefighters during the rescue operation at the Miramar stop of the cable car.MASSIMILIANO MINOCRI

A mechanical failure forced the evacuation of 70 tourists traveling inside Barcelona's Teleférico de Montjuïc cable car on Wednesday. No injuries were reported.

Firefighters activated an "auxiliary motor" that took the passengers safely to the three stations along the route of the cable car, which connects the castle with the park.

Firefighter chief Pere Roca explained that this secondary motor slowly brought all 14 cars to their stations and that the passengers, mostly tourists, walked out without any need for assistance.

Barcelona city officials said the evacuation took one hour. The ride will be closed for at least two days while the cause of the failure is investigated.

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