nóos case

Ex-Valencia leader ducks out of scheduled Nóos court date

Camps fails to testify at hearing about royal son-in-law Urdangarin and a sports conference in region

Palma de Mallorca -

Former Valencia regional premier Francisco Camps skipped his latest date with justice on Sunday by not showing up to testify as a subpoenaed witness in the Nóos case, in which royal son-in-law Iñaki Urdangarin has been targeted as the main suspect.

Camps did not answer the court’s calls to his home, and his whereabouts have been unknown since Saturday.

The former Popular Party (PP) regional leader, who resigned in disgrace in 2011 after he was targeted in a graft inquiry, was supposed to testify before the Valencia provincial court and answer a questionnaire prepared by Nóos investigative Judge José Castro and lead prosecutor Pedro Horrach, both of Palma de Mallorca where the case is being handled.

The court said that it would reschedule Camps’ testimony.

Camps was called as a witness to discuss the terms of a contract given to Urdangarin to set up a sports conference for the region. The royal is under inquiry for allegedly diverting public money.