Spain lifts temporary ban on sale of aircraft to Egypt

“Cautionary measure” overridden as planes, parts and radar equipment return to list of possible trade items

Little over a month after implementing a precautionary ban on weapons sales to Egypt, the Spanish government has authorized some military purchases by the North African nation.

On August 28, the JIMD-DU, the government panel that approves all weapons sales, decided to place the ban as "a cautionary measure" on all military items destined for Egypt, in the midst of bloody crackdowns on protestors demanding democracy.

On September 16, the JIMD-DU reviewed the prohibition and decided to keep the ban on the sale of pistols, anti-riot materials and other weapons along with their ammunition. However, it decided to allow the sale of aircraft, replacement parts and radar equipment.

Last year, Spain sold some 50.3 million euros of military equipment to Egypt. Around 97 percent of that was made up of aircraft and vehicle parts.

The past few days in Egypt have seen deadly clashes between supporters of the military-backed government there and those of the Islamist president ousted from power earlier this year.