
British couple and daughter found shot dead in Mijas

Civil Guard investigating possible murder of wife and Down Syndrome daughter by husband

A married couple and their daughter, all of British nationality, were discovered dead in their home in Mijas, Málaga province, on Wednesday, according to sources close to the criminal investigation that has been launched.

Although the motives for the deaths have not yet been definitively established, gunshot wounds were visible on the bodies and the first impression of civil guard agents who entered the scene was that the husband had killed his wife and child, before shooting himself.

The bodies were discovered by the owner of the house, situated in the Torrenueva residential area of the town, when he dropped round after being unable to contact the family over unpaid rent. The sources said the mother was physically disabled and the daughter, possibly aged around 20, suffered from Down Syndrome.

Sources from the investigation told Europa Press that a suicide note had been found in the house, although the Civil Guard says it is not ruling out any hypothesis at this stage.

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