Extremadura to issue “food cards” for the neediest families

PP administration says it wishes to “bring some dignity” to the region’s poorest

A plan put together by Extremadura regional premier José Monago, whereby his government will hand out electronic cards to needy families to purchase food at local supermarkets, is still in its initial stage and may not be introduced until later this year, an advisor in his administration said on Sunday.

On Tuesday, the Popular Party premier announced the plan to give the cards to families in need, many of whom are ashamed of having to collect food at charitable organizations. "It will bring some dignity to people who are in poverty," he said.

But regional health commissioner Luis Alfonso Hernández Carrón said he didn't think it would be introduced before the last quarter of the year because of the technicalities that are still being ironed out. The system will be similar to other government-sponsored programs in the United States, Mexico and Brazil, he said.

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