Popular Party blocks key elements of draft eviction bill

Eviction activism group accuses party of bowing to demands of banks

The Popular Party (PP)'s refusal to back a popular initiative for the concept of dation in payment, whereby a homeowner unable to meet mortgage payments can cancel the debt with the bank by handing over the keys, was met with indignation by the Mortgage Victims Platform (PAH).

On Tuesday the government presented its amendments to the so-called Popular Legislative Initiative, which reached the lower chamber on a wave of public support that included 1.5 million signatures.

The rest of the parliamentary groups accepted the basic points of the proposal: universal and retroactive dation in payment; a halt to evictions; and the creation of a glut of social housing to support those who have lost their homes.

The PP, though, stated that "not now, nor during the parliamentary process" of amending the proposal will it entertain universal dation in payment. "It is an insult to the people affected," said PAH spokeswoman Ada Colau on Wednesday. "The PP has caved to the bullying of the banks." The government, she added, has destroyed the spirit of the bill by quashing its main objectives.

Also on Wednesday, legal and charitable entities, including human rights groups in Catalonia and the Barcelona College of Lawyers, attacked the central government delegate in Madrid, Cristina Fuentes, who said this week that PAH harbored sympathy for terrorist group ETA. Cifuentes' opinion, they said, constitutes "a frivolous and dangerous attitude."