Highway speed limit to be set at 130kmp/h where possible

Meteorological conditions and traffic volume will regulate temporary increase

The DGT highway safety agency is planning to increase the maximum speed limit of some stretches of Spain's road network to 130kmp/h. This raise will be temporary and only effected on tranches of highway considered safe and with proper signaling to indicate the speed limit. The rise to 130kmp/h will be regulated by meteorological conditions and the state of traffic.

The draft bill to reform the General Circulation Regulation also proposes reducing the speed limit to 50kmp/h on smaller roads and to 20-30kmp/h in some urban areas.

On secondary roads, where 75 percent of fatal road traffic accidents take place, the DGT will be stricter: the current 100kmp/h speed limit will be reduced to 90 where the road has lanes with a width of 6.5 meters or more. On narrower roads, the limit will be set at 70 where a dividing barrier is in place and on roads with no such safety feature the limit will be 50. The draft has been sent to the Industry Ministry for approval.