Mexican police question eight over Acapulco sex attack

Still no arrests relating to rape of six Spanish female tourists in their resort bungalow

Mexican authorities have been interrogating eight people in connection to the rape of six Spanish female tourists at a beach bungalow early this week, police said on Thursday.

Marcos Juárez Escalera, director of the PIM investigative police unit said that authorities have interviewed hundreds of people regarding the rapes that took place early Monday morning, but have now focused their inquiry on eight suspects who were near the crime scene when it happened.

At around 2.30am Monday local time, five hooded men broke into the bungalow where 14 tourists — six Spanish women, a Mexican woman and seven men were staying. They tied the men up with telephone cable cords and bikini straps before raping the Spanish women. They didn’t harm the Mexican woman. Afterwards, they ransacked the home, taking the tourists’ personal belongings.

Because Acapulco is a famous international resort, the crime has made international headlines. It is also drawing major concern by officials in Mexico, a country whose economy is helped by tourism.

“There are eight people who are offering statements, but they have not been arrested. We are interrogating them to see if they can tells us something about the incident,” Juárez Escalera told the Mexico City daily El Universal.

Martha Elva Garzón, the Guerrero state attorney general, said that “there are indications and questions” but declined to offer any information about the case.

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