Argentineans busted on human rights abuse charges

Spanish police arrest two people wanted for alleged crimes committed in the 1970s

Spanish police on Thursday arrested two Argentinean nationals wanted for human rights crimes that they reportedly committed under the 1970s government of President María Estela "Isabel" Martínez Perón.

Beatriz María Arenaza and Daniel Alejandro Ullúa were arrested in A Coruña and Palma de Mallorca, respectively, under a warrant issued by an Argentinean court, which is investigating the disappearances and murders of university students during the last year of Perón's government in 1975.

The judge in the case decided not to call Juan Perón's widow, who has been living in exile in Spain since her release from prison by Argentina's military dictatorship in 1981, to testify because she did not personally order the crackdowns against students.