
Summer road deaths fall to record low

Head of traffic department announces 62 fewer fatal accidents compared to last year

Head of the Traffic Department María Seguí praised the general public for their diligence in reducing the number of fatal crashes.
Head of the Traffic Department María Seguí praised the general public for their diligence in reducing the number of fatal crashes.CLAUDIO ALVAREZ (EL PAÍS)

Road deaths during the peak July-August holiday period hit their lowest levels on record this year, the government announced on Monday.

The head of the traffic department, María Seguí, told a news conference that 262 people were killed in road accidents in the period, 62 fewer than a year earlier. In July alone, the number of fatal accidents amounted to 111, with 117 deaths, a drop of 55, or 32 percent, from a year earlier. There were 127 such crashes in August, with fatalities falling by seven to 152. The number of serious injuries also fell.

“This is a particularly welcome day,” Seguí said. “It gives us reason for a lot of hope for the rest of the year. She congratulated the public as the “stars behind these results” in paying greater heed to safety advice.

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