High Court against parole for cancer-hit ETA prisoner

Long-term ETA prisoner Iosu Uribetxeberria does not merit release, says prosecutor

The High Court prosecutor has come out against the early release of long-term ETA prisoner Iosu Uribetxeberria, who is suffering from cancer, because the state of his health doesn't merit it.

The Interior Ministry has stated it has no objections to Uribetxeberria being granted parole.

Uribetxeberria, who is suffering from cancer of the kidney and has metastases in his lungs and brain, was convicted for his involvement in the kidnapping of prison director José Antonio Ortega Lara.

Doctors predicted he has around 11 months to live. However, the prosecutor at the High Court argued he could be treated and live longer than that. The court is also insisting that he express public regret for his crimes and formally reject ETA.

Uribetxeberria, who is being held in a hospital in San Sebastián, recently abandoned a hunger strike to push for his early release on humanitarian grounds.