Unions offer to cover less than third of train services during strike

Coverage proposals based on 2010 stoppage

Spain’s main labor unions on Tuesday presented to the government their plans for the minimum services workers will offer on March 29, the date that they will stage a general strike to protest a drastic reform of the country’s labor laws.

Aware that public transport is key to the success of the strike, the unions are offering to cover between 25 and 30 percent of suburban train services. The CCOO and UGT unions said the proposals are based on agreements for minimum services during a general strike in 2010.

“I would find it strange if they don’t accept the proposal,” CCOO chief Ignacio Fernández Toxo said. “Anything else would be indicative that what they want in one way or other is to prevent the effective right to strike.”

Public Works Minister Ana Pastor said that minimum services must strictly follow what is laid down by law.