
Argentinean president's cancer surgery questioned

Critics accuse Kirchner of lying about true nature of her illness

After controversy arose over whether President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was correctly diagnosed as having cancer, the government on Tuesday postponed giving any more medical updates about the recovering Argentinean leader's condition.

Fernández de Kirchner underwent surgery last Wednesday to remove what had been described as a cancerous tumor on her thyroid. After tests were performed on the mass that was removed, doctors said Saturday that she had not had cancer. Instead, surgeons removed benign nodules known as follicular adenomas.

Instead of evoking a sigh of relief for many of her supporters who gathered outside the hospital while their president was undergoing surgery, the new diagnosis has sparked outrage in some sectors and accusations of a misdiagnosis. Some of the president's critics accused her of lying about the seriousness of her illness.

As she recovered at her official Olivos residence, Fernández de Kirchner ordered that the first report of her medical condition be released.

Argentinean President Cristina Fernández, whose cancer diagnosis has turned out to be incorrect.
Argentinean President Cristina Fernández, whose cancer diagnosis has turned out to be incorrect.
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