
This week's movie releases

Meryl Streep's newest wonder-woman role and Mr. Holmes solves his second mystery

You've had Iron Man , now face The Iron Lady . Ex-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was a superhero to the right and a supervillain to the left but this biopic from Phyllida Lloyd ( Mamma Mia! ) purports to find the human side of one of the most polarizing figures in UK politics. Meryl Streep's transformation into Mrs T. has been fetishized over all else since the film's first publicity image hit the internet - there's no denying it's some transformation. But there's plenty of other fine talent involved, from Jim Broadbent as Denis Thatcher to Richard E Grant as Michael Heseltine and Anthony Head - Buffy the Vampire Slayer 's Giles - as former Chancellor Geoffrey Howe.

And in a strange twist of scheduling fate, it's Iron Man himself Robert Downey Jr who's back playing another British hero this week. Former Mr Madonna Guy Ritchie got his desperately floundering directing career back on track with the sprightly 2009 original so it's no surprise he's back with a sequel, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows . The movie finds Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's detective and sidekick Doctor Watson (Jude Law) hunting the evil Professor Moriarty (Jared Harris) around Europe, with Noomi Rapace, Stephen Fry and Rachel McAdams hopping along for the ride.

Australian comedy A Few Best Men , from The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert director Stephan Elliott, stars Xavier Samuel as a young guy who heads to a remote outback town with his three best pals from England to marry the lovely Mia (Laura Brent). But while her parents (Olivia Newton-John and Jonathan Biggins) first welcome them with open arms, inevitably things don't go as planned.

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