
Tax inspectors testify that Camps' dress suit receipts were altered

Judge scolds the former Valencia regional premier for courtroom outbursts

Two court-appointed tax inspectors testified on Tuesday in Francisco Camps' bribery trial that many receipts for dress suit purchases for the former Valencia regional premier appeared to have been altered.

The Valencia High Court, which carried out the investigation into charges that Camps and Ricardo Costa, the region's former Popular Party (PP) secretary general, received dress suits from a group of businessmen that made up the so-called Gürtel network, had demanded records from the two stores where the purchases were made. The Milano store turned over statements while the owner of Forever Young waited over a year to hand over his records to the court.

Camps and Costa insist they paid for the suits, but many witnesses have testified that the money came from people close to alleged Gürtel ringleader Francisco Correa, who is in jail awaiting trial.

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Defense witness testimony not allowed at Camps trial

On Monday, one of Camps' bodyguards, called as a defense witness, testified that he lent Camps 200 euros in 2008 to pay for a sports jacket the former Valencian lawmaker purchased at Forever Young.

"As soon as he entered the store, he came right out again and approached me to ask if I could lend him some money and I told him yes. I think it was 200 euros," the witness said.

His testimony was also confirmed by Camps' chauffeur, who added that his boss came out with a garment bag that was put in the trunk of the vehicle. But neither the bodyguard nor the driver could say what was inside the bag.

At another time, the bodyguard recalled, Camps asked him to loan him money, "but not that much," so he could purchase a book. When they returned to his Valencia home, "he went upstairs, got some cash and came back down to give it to me."

Although the two witnesses had been called before the jury in Camps' criminal trial, their same testimony had been struck from the record by Valencia High Court Judge José Flors during the preliminary investigation phase.

In a ruling, which was later backed by the entire High Court panel, Flors determined their testimonies were inadmissible because the "dark blue blazer" Camps told the judge he had purchased with the bodyguard's money didn't form part of any of the 25 dress suits he is accused of accepting from Gürtel businessmen.

Meanwhile, Camps again lost his cool on Monday as the trial continued to unfold, prompting another scolding from presiding High Court Judge Juan Climent. It occurred when the Socialist attorney representing the people's indictment against Camps began questioning the bodyguard concerning four dress suits that were returned to Milano ? the other dress suit shop from which Camps is accused of getting free clothing at the Gürtel network's expense ? by a security guard. Several witnesses have testified that those suits were taken to Forever Young, and not Milano, but the lawyer continued his same line of questioning.

The former Valencia premier started to shake his head in disapproval at the witness, laugh, and gesticulate to people sitting in the front row.

"Be quiet, Mr. Camps, and please stop making gestures," Judge Climent said.

The defendant then tried to interrupt. "Please, do not answer me. Be quiet please," the judge continued.

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