
Catalonia plans special tax for tourist stays

Guests at five-star hotels will have to pay an additional three-euro-per-night tax

The Catalan government is proposing to charge a special tourist tax to everyone, regardless of their nationality, who visits and stays in the region.

Andreu Mas-Colell, the government's economic commissioner, revealed the proposal, which is to be included in the upcoming budget. According to the document, guests at five-star hotels will have to pay an additional three-euro-per-night tax, an additional two euros per night at four-star hotels and one euro at other establishments.

The money will go to a new entity called the Tourism Development Fund, with 25 percent for Catalonia's municipalities.

"We are against it. The government doesn't know the damage it will be doing to the tourism sectors," said Jordi Clos, president of the Barcelona Hotel Association.

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