
Catalonia unions call for public workers' strike over cutbacks

Region wants to save 860 million euros next year; labor proposes salary cap on high-ranking officials

Labor unions in Catalonia have called for a strike by regional administration workers on December 14 to protest against cutbacks in the region. A second negotiation meeting of regional government officials and the unions failed to reap any progress on exactly what economies should be made but did allow for a more detailed breakdown of social spending cuts to be unveiled.

The new strike proposal follows a series of walkouts by healthcare workers against cuts in the sector.

Among the measures being considered are further reductions of supply teachers, a freeze on new public posts being opened up and the removal of social benefits such as the guarantee of 100 percent of a mother's wage for the first year after giving birth.

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The cutbacks in public spending are forecast to save Catalonia 860 million euros in 2012. For their part, the unions proposed setting a cap on public employees' salaries at 5,000 euros a month, which the regional government's own union said would suffice to avoid other cuts and would only affect three percent of the workforce.

Also under review is the current system of obligatory retirement at 65 and allowances and benefits granted to high- and medium-office holders. The Catalan regional government has also said it is to make cutbacks at its "embassies" abroad, removing political representatives, who earn 80,000 euros a year, and closing some of its six diplomatic offices.

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