
Two men hold hunger strikes outside Congress

Pair protesting at their treatment at the hands of Spanish banks

Well wrapped-up for the cold, two men are holding a hunger strike outside the doors of Congress to call attention to their separate struggles with a bank that allegedly lost their savings and a home.

Francisco Cañas of Jaén and José Luis Burgos of Catalonia say they will keep up their vigil until Sunday's elections. Both men are waging individual battles with Banco Santander, which they say tricked them into losing their personal property.

Cañas explains that Santander made him lose 300,000 euros that was awarded to his son, Juan Pedro, following a car accident that left him paraplegic. He claims that two men representing the bank came to his home and convinced him to put the money in a fund.

"This is Juan Pedro's money. We need it to care for him and so that he can survive when we are gone. We don't want to take any risks," he says he told the representatives. After a few years, the money disappeared and Santander has not responded, Cañas said.

As to his fight with Sanatander, Burgos explains that he took out a 300,000-euro loan to remodel his home. He was diagnosed with sclerosis. The money was to go to refurbishing the home for a wheelchair.

When he applied for disability, he was told the insurance would pay the mortgage. But it didn't and Santander wants to repossess his home.

In Oyón, the mayor of the La Rioja town has also gone on a hunger strike. Rubén Garrido is protesting the provincial government's decision not to treat patients from the bordering Basque province Álvara.

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