
Jewel thieves shoot it out with Alicante police

One member of French armed robbery gang killed in street battle

A shootout on Saturday night in downtown Alicante looked like a scene from a movie when three jewel thieves opened fire on patrol cars as they tried to make their getaway.

Dozens of people panicked when the suspects, who had just robbed a jewelry store, fired more than 20 rounds at police - 15 bullets hit one patrol car.

One of the suspects was killed, another was arrested and third person was able to escape.

"All of a sudden people started running and screaming, they just didn't know where to hide," said César, who was at the Siglo XXI jeweler asking for directions when the robbery was taking place.

The suspects, French nationals, were dressed in black, with gloves and bullet-proof vests. Police said that the men were carrying heavy weapons and a grenade.

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