Supplier of hallucinogenic drug sought after two die

Youths were given a drink containing jimson weed at an illegal rave party outside Madrid

Police are still looking for the individual who gave four 18-year-olds a homemade drink at a clandestine rave party held last weekend in an abandoned monastery in Getafe, south of Madrid. Two of them died hours later, while a third was hospitalized in a serious condition and discharged on Tuesday.

The drink, which the fourth youngster said was described to them as "a trip similar to mushrooms," was in fact made from the hallucinogenic plant Datura Stramonium (commonly known as locoweed or jimson weed). Pablo Echegoyen and Alberto del Olmo died soon after drinking it. Álvaro García was taken to hospital by the fourth friend who later testified before the police.

Blood tests show that the revelers had consumed a cocktail of alcohol, speed and jimson weed, one of whose active ingredients is atropine. The heat contributed to the fatal combination. The fourth friend told police that the group had taken drugs during the night and the following morning "in excessive doses."

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The last people to see one of the victims alive were a young couple on their way to the municipal pool on Sunday afternoon. He was in an agitated state and they asked if he needed help, but he told them to leave him alone. On their way back the couple found the same youth lying on the ground, and called the emergency services.

Investigators say at least three other rave parties have been held at the same location so far this year. The abandoned building is in the area of Perales del Río, furthest away from downtown Getafe, and is reached through a dirt track. Getafe authorities said they will take measures to prevent similar tragedies from occurring again.