
Forlán seeks Southern Hemisphere cure for goal drought

After a poor season at Atleti, Uruguayan returns to place where his story began for the Copa Améríca

It's less than a year since Diego Forlán was named the tournament's best player at the World Cup in South Africa, where he scored five goals to lead Uruguay to a sensational fourth-place finish. But 12 months can be a long time, especially if you play for a team like Atlético Madrid, where he was dropped by coach Quique Sánchez Flores, who has now been replaced by Gregorio Manzano.

Having not played a competitive match since May 10, Forlán has had to follow a specific training regime of three daily sessions in order to reach this year's Copa América tournament in optimum shape. Always positive, he says he's arriving in Argentina on peak form. "It's not the first time that I have had to work three times a day after finishing the Liga exhausted," says the 32-year-old.

"I had the chance to do this physical rehabilitation in Spain and Uruguay. So we are hoping that it brings results in order to help the team achieve its aims."

Last night's opening 1-1 for Uruguay against Peru was played in San Juan, the city where his life suddenly changed 10 years ago. "Life throws up these little coincidences," he says, remembering being there during the pre-season with Independiente when he received the call from Alex Ferguson offering him a contract with Manchester United. The Argentinean club didn't hesitate and sold him for 10 million euros.

Now the circle is closed: in Las Chacritas, San Juan, on January 21, 2002, he caught the plane that took him to Europe when he was nothing more than a promising forward and this was where he made his return to Argentina last week, having become the leading figure in the Uruguayan national team. He can't deny it: "I haven't been back to this airport since then. So when I arrived those days came back into my mind."

His friends say that after his experience at Atlético, where he still has two years to run on his contract, he's approaching this Copa América with a youngster's zeal. "He's never gone so long without scoring," they say. The last time he found the back of the net was on March 5 against Villarreal. "He's desperate to score," says Luis Suárez, who scored Uriguay's equalizer on another dry night for his strike partner.

Forlán himself is clear about his aim in Argentina. "I'm going to enjoy myself like never before." Uruguay, which has won the Copa América 14 times, has not lifted the trophy since 1995. Forlán is convinced that this year is its best chance to win again. "The group is well prepared; we have spent a lot of time together and, after the World Cup, this is a nice opportunity because many Uruguayans can come to Argentina. So, truthfully, we are really looking forward to it. It's not easy and there are no small teams, but we've come here with the idea of winning the tournament."

Unfortunately for him, Forlán has been talked about more because of his love life than his ball-playing abilities in recent weeks. A month before his planned wedding to Zaira Nada, a well-known Argentinean model, he ended the relationship - and as a result has spent weeks on the covers of the gossip magazines. However, it wasn't a subject he had any problem talking about last Saturday. "I understand that I am well-known and, obviously, what I do has repercussions," he says. "It is very simple: I had a relationship and I decided to end it. There doesn't have to be any drama. My life has not turned into nothing. I carry on doing the same things as ever."

What the Uruguayan fans will be hoping for is that Forlán also carries on scoring goals. That's to say, the same thing as ever.

Forlán in a training session with Uruguay.
Forlán in a training session with Uruguay.PAOLO AGUILAR (EFE)

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