
Arsonists behind Galicia's wildfires as temperatures soar

Maximums of 40ºC expected in several regions across Spain on Monday

Firefighters battled to contain five wildfires late Sunday in Galicia after some 70 blazes ignited over the weekend in the region.

Government officials say they suspect that most of them were started by arsonists and have asked citizens for their help in catching them.

The biggest blaze was reported in Boiro near A Coruña where fires burned some 200 hectares of vegetation.

With high temperatures expected throughout the country, emergency services have been activated across the different regions. The national meteorological institute AEMET has issued yellow alerts for 16 cities, including Madrid.

In Seville, Toledo and Córdoba, the maximum highs are expected to reach 40ºC on Monday.

Forest fire in Fornelos (Pontevedra), in 2010, in which two firefighters were killed.
Forest fire in Fornelos (Pontevedra), in 2010, in which two firefighters were killed.Ó. C.

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