
Rubio realizes NBA dream at age of 20 with Minnesota deal

"I'm going to play against the best and succeed," says Barcelona guard

"I have decided to go to the NBA. It was a dream, a desire and finally I have been able to achieve it," said Ricky Rubio on Friday as he bade farewell to Barcelona and European basketball after signing with the Minnesota Timberwolves. At just 20, Rubio thus becomes the 10th Spanish player to make the leap to the biggest league in the world.

"I had it clear in my mind ever since I signed for Barcelona two years ago and, although it was a difficult decision because of the incredible time I have spent here and because of the help of my managers, I have finally taken the step," the guard said.

Rubio will have to pay Barcelona the one million euros stipulated in his contract to activate his release to sign for the Timberwolves, on an initial two-year contract with the option of an additional two. Minnesota had chosen Rubio as the fifth pick in the 2009 draft but he eventually remained in Barcelona.

"I'm not going because I can't do anything more here," he said. "But because I think I'm ready and I'm enthusiastic. I could have continued to grown as a player here as well. I'm going to the NBA to play against the best and succeed."

That said, the slightly built Rubio knows he will have to put in the gym time to deal with the physical aspect of the NBA. "I have seen it as a spectator; it attracts me because you can run a lot, which is one of my strengths in an open court." Barcelona sporting director Joan Creus said that the team had preferential rights to the player as and when he decides to return to Europe.

Ricky Rubio during a game with Barcelona.
Ricky Rubio during a game with Barcelona.EP

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