
Pedrosa to miss home GP as collarbone fails to heal

Spanish riders absence will disappoint thousands of fans at his home race

Spanish MotoGP favorite Dani Pedrosa will not take part in this weekend's Catalunya GP, dealing a blow to the thousands of home fans who were hoping to cheer him along. The former world champion is still recovering from breaking his collarbone during a fall at the French Grand Prix, while he was dicing with Italian rider Marco Simoncelli.

Despite the fact that he was still recovering from a similar injury (sustained last year) when the accident happened, Pedrosa was hopeful of being able to appear on the track this weekend. But the bone has been healing slower than expected, forcing him to miss out.

"After France, I had surgery to stabilize the fracture of my right collarbone and hoped to be ready for Barcelona," said Pedrosa this week. "I pushed myself as best as I could but I feel that my collarbone is not yet ready. I think I must rest for a while and recover properly."

The Honda driver is currently third in the driver ranking, behind Australian Casey Stoner in second, and fellow Spaniard Jorge Lorenzo, in first.

Marco Simoncelli, meanwhile, has been summoned to a meeting with race stewards ahead of this weekend's GP, to deal with the accident that saw Pedrosa injured. The Italian rider came in for criticism after the race for having been too aggressive as he tried to repass the Spaniard, forcing him to crash.

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