
Domestic violence claims two more lives

Murders of women in Madrid and Almería bring the 2011 total of such killings to 22

A 30-year-old in Almería and a 40-year-old in Madrid were on Sunday added to the tragic list of women who have died at the hands of their partners.

The former was stabbed to death in the regional capital on Sunday morning. The alleged perpetrator of the crime was her 42-year-old common-law husband, who is the father of her two children. She was in the process of separating from the man.

Just hours later, an Ecuadorian woman in Madrid's Puente de Vallecas neighborhood died when her husband allegedly cut her throat. Police forced entry into her apartment after the woman called for help from the balcony. They found her dead, with her husband, who had tried to commit suicide by slitting his wrists, unconscious by her side.

A total of 22 women have been killed as a result of gender violence so far this year, according to figures from the Spanish police force.

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