
Zapatero goes on offensive ahead of May elections

PP would "rather see government fall than make Spain stronger," claims PM

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero is thinking small on the road to elections. In a change to the Socialist Party's strategy, ahead of the regional and local polls that will take place on May 22, the prime minister is opening the campaign with a slew of speeches at smaller venues, hoping to win the vote neighborhood by neighborhood. Party strategists feel that this is a better way to counter the opposition's attacks on the government's handling of everything from antiterrorist policies to the economic crisis, at a time when Zapatero's popularity ratings are at a historical low.

As part of this new drive, the government leader spoke at a rally in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid on Sunday to show support for the Socialist candidate to head the Madrid region, Tomás Gómez. Yet Zapatero also took the opportunity to justify his administration's economic policies before an audience of 3,000 people ? and to attack the Popular Party (PP).

"The PP did not measure up. It would rather see the government fall than lend a hand to make Spain stronger. [...] They thought they could wipe us off the map, but they don't know the Socialist Party," said Zapatero, who recently announced he will not run for a third term in office.

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