
"Pink press" doesn't have to be accurate

Gossip publications need not be concerned with the facts

The Supreme Court has ruled that the showbiz gossip journalists don't have to be precise in their reports on famous people because their role is to entertain, not necessarily inform.

The ruling came as a result of an appeal by Cayetano Martínez de Irujo, the son of the Duchess of Alba, Cayetana Fitz-James Stuart, who filed a lawsuit against the magazine Qué me dices in 2005 for publishing a story with photographs from his honeymoon. A Madrid court threw out the suit against the magazine.

In confirming the lower court's decision, Supreme Court justices ruled that the so-called "pink press" is not required to display "absolute accuracy in its reporting" and nor should it take "special care" in their search for news about society and showbiz figures.

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