Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg challenge each other to a fight in Las Vegas over Meta’s new Twitter feed

The two moguls exchanged messages on their social media in which the Tesla co-founder accepted a challenge from the Facebook owner, who now practices martial arts

On the left, Zuckerberg in an image from his competitions, which he shared on social media. At right, Elon Musk at a party last Halloween.Instagram / getty

Early on Thursday morning, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg exchanged messages about a possible cage fight, a common format in mixed martial arts fights. Musk, who owns Twitter, first responded to a thread about the new app that Meta, owned by Zuckerberg, is preparing to compete with the former’s social media platform with creators and public figures who want a “sanely run” network in mind. One user with just 37 followers told Musk that he “better be careful” because he’s “heard [Zuckerberg] does the jiujitsu now.” Musk responded two minutes later, " I’m up for a cage match if he is lol.”

Zuckerberg responded in an Instagram story. A reporter from The Verge asked on Meta if Zuckerberg was serious. The answer was yes: “The story speaks for itself.” In other words, based on what they have said, the two tech moguls are ready for hand-to-hand combat.

"Manda localización", respondió Zuckerberg.

Musk accepted with a couple of fire emojis and proposed the Vegas Octagon, a legendary site for mixed martial arts fights, as the venue.

The Tesla and SpaceX entrepreneur posted several tweets in the wee hours of the morning, continuing to joke about his “great move that I call ‘The Walrus’, where I just lie on top of my opponent & do nothing” and musing about whether Joe Rogan, the celebrity podcaster and mixed martial arts expert, could serve as the referee.

Memes relishing the moment have appeared all over Twitter. The main concern for Musk, who is taller (he’s 6′1.5″ tall compared to the Meta boss’s height of 5′7″) and burlier than Zuckerberg, is that the latter has been training hard for months and has participated in martial arts tournaments in Silicon Valley and has already fought other tech employees. He even won a gold medal with his team, Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu.

While no one knows for sure if this physical confrontation will actually take place, Musk’s flair for the dramatic means that the possibility cannot be ruled out. In recent years, boxing and martial arts have become a regular activity for youtubers and streamers trying to gain larger audiences. And a fight between two of the world’s richest businessmen would exceed all expectations.

Several people have already offered to train Musk, who isn’t much for the gym these days: he has said that the most exercise he gets is throwing his children in the air. In contrast to Musk’s self-confessed sedentary lifestyle, Zuckerberg recently posted the following photo on his Instagram account:

Musk had already joked about Meta’s plans for a new social network. According to some reports, Meta contacted the Dalai Lama to promote the launch. Musk responded to that news with a post saying “Zuck my tongue,” which combines the Dalai Lama’s latest polemic with Zuckerberg’s last name (it’s pronounced similar to “suck”).

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