Dolphins: An unexpected ability to forge alliances and avoid conflict
Several studies show that these marine mammals can harmoniously join unfamiliar pods and make up to 50 new ‘friends’
Several studies show that these marine mammals can harmoniously join unfamiliar pods and make up to 50 new ‘friends’
A review of studies confirms that these arthropods have the necessary mechanisms to suffer, which would alter the plans to turn them into food
Just before sunrise on Friday, June 24, the Moon will join the lineup, appearing between Venus and Mars, in a parade that only usually happens every 57 years
The decorative plumage played an important role in visual communication, according to a new study
New research on pied flycatchers over a 24-year period shows that sexual ornaments carry costs that can complicate rearing offspring
Research flags up the difficulties in distinguishing synthetic faces from those of actual people
New research into an injury on the dinosaur’s neck frill suggests that physical combat was part of their lives
A series of six tracks found in the east-central Cuenca region were found to belong to a single individual with a pathology on its left leg
A study based on femurs and incisor teeth posits that ‘T.rex’ had two more relatives, but some scientists are contesting the claim because of the small size of the sample
In his latest book, the Spanish researcher describes the changes that the adolescent brain undergoes, and the factors that make this period of human life so challenging yet life affirming
Award-winning scientist Neus Sabaté talks to EL PAÍS about her development of paper batteries for single-use applications such as pregnancy tests
This is the first case of asexual reproduction ever discovered in birds when breeding males were available
International research group finds evidence that some outlying planets could survive an event expected to take place around five billion years from now