Rhiannon Adam, the photographer who will travel to space: ‘I’m taking my trusty Polaroid’
The Irish artist is part of the crew of dearMoon, the first mission that will take artists to the Moon’s orbit
The Irish artist is part of the crew of dearMoon, the first mission that will take artists to the Moon’s orbit
Artificial intelligence is capable of translating conversations in video calls in real time, just as interpreters do
Meta just launched a new model for programmers to use instead of the paid versions offered by OpenAI and Microsoft
Researchers have used AI to evaluate brain responses to music. According to their findings, this model can accurately determine which tracks trigger an emotional response and are more likely to be chart-toppers
Research indicates people struggle to differentiate fake audio messages commonly used in scams
The leader of the world’s most popular all-in-one graphic design platform is one of the few women at the helm of a multibillion-dollar technology company
A Facebook study shows that deleting 100 ‘insult’ accounts had a positive impact on viewership
A new study, which analyzed 50 titles and more than 13,000 characters, has highlighted gender bias in video games
Spotify has deleted tens of thousands of tracks where bots were posing as listeners to increase the number of streams and raise royalty revenues
A study revealed that some popular platforms for naming trees and flowers can have accuracy as low as 4%; even the best ones need improvement
Archaeologists and historians warn of the risks of the artificial reconstruction of heritage for cultural knowledge
A U.S. study adds to mounting evidence that monitoring alone can’t change behaviors
Experts recommend taking a break from cellphone use if you find that it is starting to replace life in the real world
A study of 130,150 songs finds that slow instrumentals are good antidotes for insomnia, but surprisingly, so are some faster-paced tunes
A study analyzed the ways in which an inability to disengage negatively affects the health and relationship quality of employees and their significant others
One of the inventors of the lithium battery argues that energy transition depends on saving energy, recycling, changing the supply chain and reducing consumption
The researcher from Oxford University believes that the biggest threats to humanity are created by humans themselves
The METATOOL project is researching how the human brain imagines the tools needed to solve problems, so that robots can be equipped with the same inventive capacity
Devices enable patients to live more independently but also raise privacy concerns
The Tesla founder reportedly gave staff until November 7 to launch a paid subscription model if they did not want to be fired
To fill the most in-demand positions, from cloud architect to metaverse specialist, universities and companies are changing what they teach and how they hire
A raft of teachers believe that the immediacy of social networks is having a negative impact on spelling, grammer and coherence
An international team of scientists created a solar charger to remotely control insects searching for people buried under the rubble