Fine sewing needles made from the bones of small animals such as foxes and mountain lions, which hunters used to make tailored garments during the last Ice Age, have been discovered in Wyoming
Researchers at Oxford University have managed to document the unusual feeding behavior, unique among carnivorous animals, of this endangered African canid
NASA’s probe will enter the star’s atmosphere on Christmas Eve, making the closest pass ever of the Sun’s surface, to try to unravel the mystery of why it is so much hotter than its surface
Projects in different countries explore how artificial intelligence can guide women who experience gender-based violence, in addition to collecting information about this problem
A new study suggests that the animals perform ‘open mouth displays’ when they are in front of a playmate, an expression that has likely evolved from biting to defend themselves
A team of scientists has managed to capture unprecedented images of a pod, led by the matriarch ‘Dakota,’ feeding on the coasts of the Antofagasta region