As pandemic surges, courts authorize night curfew for 161 towns in Catalonia
Other regions of Spain have met with mixed success as they seek to reintroduce mobility restrictions to curb the swift spread of the coronavirus
Other regions of Spain have met with mixed success as they seek to reintroduce mobility restrictions to curb the swift spread of the coronavirus
From mice and whales to birds and salamanders, many species are decreasing in size and experts are unsure as to the cause
The popular subway stop, which admitted riders at 6am on Friday, includes a replica of its original 1917 entrance and features state-of-the-art ticket vending and turnstile technology
Spain’s mecca of mass tourism is celebrating the completion of Intempo, Europe’s tallest residential tower, achieved despite the dual crises of 2008 and 2020
According to a survey from the National Statistics Institute, 7% of Spaniards were suffering severe material deprivation by the end of last year
The 14-day national incidence of the virus is now above 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants once more. The pressure on the healthcare system is still much lower than in other waves, but some hospital procedures are being rescheduled in regions such as Catalonia and the Balearic Islands