Protest by Spanish fishermen leads to stand-off in Bay of Algeciras
Fleet of around 40 vessels makes attempts to sail through Royal Navy cordon Boats were escorted by Civil Guard in disputed waters
Fleet of around 40 vessels makes attempts to sail through Royal Navy cordon Boats were escorted by Civil Guard in disputed waters
The crisis is turning Spain into a leading exporter of world-class soccer players
In 1741 Blas de Lezo prevented a massive invasion force from taking Cartagena de Indias
Dr Joan Massagué's recent work has identified some of the genes responsible for the capacity of breast cancer cells to metastasize into bones and lungs
Ruz wants to know whether a signature belongs to ex-treasurer Álvaro Lapuerta
In the field of the arts and journalism this is turning out to be a bad year, particularly in Spain
The increase puts the total amount owed by Spain's administrations at 943.702 billion euros