Telemadrid anchor voted new head of news at RTVE
Somoano will replace Fran Llorente in crucial role of setting news agenda for national bulletin
Somoano will replace Fran Llorente in crucial role of setting news agenda for national bulletin
European lawyers group demanding Carlos Dívar reimburse public funds spent on trips
Stock market sees biggest rise since May 2010 on back of good news The deal is a personal victory for Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Italy’s Mario Monti “This council has paved the road that will lead us out of the crisism" says Spanish PM
The endorsement of the health coverage law is a victory for the White House
Barcelona show examines painful life of Nobel Prize-winning writer Herta Müller
Authorities in Britain also arrested Lerín Sánchez Belea, who has been wanted since 2007
Spanish film, television and theater actor Juan Luis Galiardo has died aged 72
Alfonso Sánchez and Alberto López attracted millions of followers online Now their El Cabesa and El Culebra characters have their own feature film
Madrid government wants smoking ban lifted to attract EuroVegas cash cow
The intention of most of the political class, in Paraguay and Honduras alike, has been the destruction of the inconvenient shit-stirrer
Player thought to have dodged 3.5 million euros in taxes on earnings while at the Catalan club
Companies that make up the electricity sector in Spain are running a deficit of 24 billion euros
Isabel Pantoja accused of stashing away 1.8 million euros in Marbella kickbacks