Kamala Harris’ policy platform

Abortion rights are a key focus of the former California senator’s agenda, as is an economy that supports the middle class

Since the beginning of Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign — which she launched after President Joe Biden stepped aside from the race — she has expressed her commitment to social justice, economic equity and the strengthening of democratic institutions. Her initiatives focus on addressing what she considers to be the most pressing challenges facing the country, such as reforming the criminal justice system or combating climate change. The Democrat has also emphasized the importance of expanding access to healthcare, promoting inclusive economic growth and protecting the fundamental rights of the most vulnerable communities. Throughout her career, she has advocated for progressive policies that seek to create a more just and equitable society for all, which is reflected in her policy agenda.

Harris has also placed a particular focus on women’s rights and racial equality, and has proposed policies to combat gender and racial discrimination. She also seeks concrete government action to reduce disparities in a number of areas, such as employment, education and health. Her initiatives also highlight the importance of reforming the immigration system, ensuring a living wage for workers, and strengthening job security in a post-pandemic world. Below are the Democratic Party candidate’s initiatives.


Harris promises an economy that works for all U.S. citizens, especially middle class and working families. Her economic plan includes investments in infrastructure, affordable housing and childcare, aimed at creating jobs and raising wages. Harris seeks to expand union rights and worker protections, emphasizing collective bargaining and the importance of unionized labor. She also plans to accelerate the transition to clean energy, creating jobs in green industries while ensuring that economic growth is inclusive and sustainable. Her administration will focus on reducing the cost of living, especially in areas such as housing and healthcare, to ensure that families can thrive in an equitable economy.


Harris advocates a tax system that helps working families and ensures that the wealthiest Americans pay more taxes. Under her plan, tax cuts would target middle-class households and those struggling with the rising cost of living. She also plans to offer additional tax credits to help families meet essential expenses such as child care and education. The candidate says the wealthy and large corporations would have to pay higher taxes to balance the economic scales, using those revenues to fund public programs and reduce inequality.


In response to inflation, Harris seeks to address what she considers are the main causes, and says she will fight “predatory pricing” by businesses, especially in sectors such as housing and healthcare, which she believes are driving up costs for families. Her administration would focus on expanding domestic production in key sectors, reducing dependence on foreign supply chains and stabilizing prices through strategic investments in infrastructure and technology. Harris also plans to strengthen consumer protection to prevent excessive price hikes and increase transparency in pricing, especially in the pharmaceutical and energy sectors.

Foreign policy

Harris’ foreign policy is based on a commitment to restoring U.S. leadership on the world stage. She has worked closely with international leaders to strengthen alliances, especially with NATO and in the Indo-Pacific region, where she has shown a stance against China’s economic practices and security threats. Harris would also prioritize the defense of democracy, as evidenced by her support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. She pledges to continue to work with global partners to address pressing issues such as climate change and technological competition, especially in areas such as artificial intelligence and semiconductors. Her administration would also maintain a firm commitment to Israel’s security, while working for a peaceful solution in Gaza.

Gun control

Harris has long advocated for stricter gun control measures. Her platform includes a commitment to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, implement universal background checks, and support “red flag” laws to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous individuals. As vice president, she helped pass the first major gun safety bill in decades, expanded funding for mental health professionals in schools and provided resources for community safety programs. Harris would continue these efforts as president, prioritizing public safety while ensuring that law enforcement has the training and support needed to reduce gun violence.


Harris’ healthcare plan focuses on expanding access to affordable healthcare for all Americans. It advocates lowering the cost of prescription drugs and making critical treatments more accessible by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. Harris is also committed to expanding mental health services, ensuring that all Americans can access quality mental health care. Her platform builds on the Affordable Care Act, aiming to close coverage gaps and reduce premiums, while focusing on preventive care to improve overall public health outcomes.


Protecting reproductive rights is one of the main focuses of Harris’ platform. Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, she has spoken out in favor of restoring reproductive freedoms at the federal level. She is committed to signing any bill that restores abortion rights nationwide and has been active in the Biden administration’s strategy to defend these rights. Harris has traveled across the country, listening to women affected by restrictive abortion laws, and pledges to block any attempt to enact a national ban on abortion.


Education is central to Harris’ plan to reduce inequality and expand opportunity. She advocates increased funding for public schools, increased teacher salaries and universal preschool education to ensure that all children get a good start in life. Harris also supports free community colleges and expanded access to higher education for middle- and low-income students. Her administration would focus on reducing student debt and making education more affordable across the board, as she sees education as a path to economic mobility and long-term success.


Harris’ immigration plan balances strong border security with comprehensive reform. She favors deploying more resources to the border, including advanced detection technologies to interdict drugs and human smugglers, and increasing the number of border security agents. However, Harris also recognizes the need for comprehensive immigration reform, including a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who have contributed to the U.S. economy and society. Her platform focuses on fixing a broken system and ensuring that the U.S. remains a country that welcomes immigrants.


Combating climate change and environmental degradation is one of the top priorities of Harris’ platform. Her plan includes a transition to clean energy through a $500 billion investment in green infrastructure and technologies that will also create new jobs. Harris aims to make the United States a world leader in the fight against climate change by investing in renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions and protecting natural resources. Her platform aligns economic growth with environmental sustainability, ensuring that climate action generates new opportunities in emerging industries while preserving the planet for future generations. She has mentioned that she will not ban fracking.

LGBT+ rights

Harris advocates for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. Her platform includes passage of the Equality Act to enshrine protections against discrimination in areas such as healthcare, housing and employment. She is also a supporter of expanding civil rights protections for LGBTQ+ people and has a long history of fighting for marriage equality, having officiated some of the first same-sex marriages in the United States. As chair, Harris wants to ensure that LGBTQ+ Americans are fully protected under the law.

Click below to compare the candidates' proposals regarding: the economy, taxes, inflation, foreign policy, gun control, health, abortion, education, immigration, the environment and LGTBQ+ rights.

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