EL PAÍS launches its 2024 US elections newsletter: ‘The Road to the White House’

The spotlight will be on each week’s major developments on the campaign trail or the potential impacts of the various Trump prosecutions, attempting to provide a snapshot of the country’s political climate at each given moment

Donald Trump and Joe Biden.Getty

Democracy in the world’s leading power has had a rocky few years. After Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump in November 2020, the assault on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of the Republican on January 6, 2021, tested the U.S. democratic system as never before since probably the Civil War. In the past three years, a cloud of uncertainty has hung over every election in the country, fueled by the former president’s constant lies about the results in 2020. Now, with the next presidential election less than a year away, EL PAÍS is launching its newsletter The Road to the White House, to keep the spotlight on what promises to be a key vote for the future of the country, and by extension for the rest of the world as well. You can subscribe to it in this link.

Every other Tuesday, the team at EL PAÍS USA, the English-language edition of the newspaper, will do its best to reflect the state of the campaign in anticipation of the decisive date of Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The primaries officially begin on January 15, with the Republican Iowa caucus.

The election will play out against the backdrop of the four indictments and eventual trials of the former president and now leading candidate among the Republicans, Donald Trump, for accounting falsification, illegitimate possession of classified material and attempts to overturn the 2020 elections at the national level and in the state of Georgia. Additionally, the Supreme Court will have to rule in the coming months on the very eligibility of the former president to run for office, after Colorado and Maine both disqualified him from their primaries, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, which states a person who has been involved in insurrection cannot run for office. Everything points to an unprecedented election year.

In this newsletter, we will address each week’s major developments on the campaign trail or the potential impacts of developments in the Trump prosecutions, attempting to provide a snapshot of the country’s political climate at each given moment. We will share special coverage from our U.S. correspondents, and on occasions they themselves will write the newsletter to tell you firsthand what they encounter on the ground. Sign up and stay up-to-date on what is sure to be a remarkable campaign.

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