Video | Drone footage of lava platform created by La Palma eruption

An aerial recording from Spain’s Geological and Mining Institute shows how the molten rock has expanded into the sea

Video: Geological and Mining Institute

Spain’s Geological and Mining Institute has shared drone footage of a lava platform created by the eruption of a new volcano on La Palma in Spain’s Canary Islands, a volcanic archipelago off the coast of northwestern Africa. Molten rock from the September 19 eruption reached the Atlantic Ocean last week and has been steadily increasing the surface of the island. The three-minute drone recording over this delta shows how the tongue of lava has grown as more molten rock has reached the sea. The lava flow is changing the map of La Palma. The video was made on September 30, when the platform had already grown 450 meters from the coast and expanded between 600 and 800 meters in length. The new delta now covers a surface area measuring 20 hectares. It is estimated that it has also reached a depth of 24 meters.

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