Correction by Harindale Ltd.

A Bitcoin ad in Hong Kong in February.Anthony Kwan (Getty Images)

In compliance with the June 29, 2023, ruling of the Eighth Section of the Provincial Court of Madrid (Audiencia Provincial de Madrid), the following correction by Harindale Ltd. is published:

“On 29th November 2022 El País published an article entitled “Global cryptocurrency scams: Call centers, fake brokers and thousands of victims,” which contains inaccurate information regarding Harindale Ltd.

Harindale Ltd. wishes to make it absolutely clear that it is a reliable organization, operating under strict codes of ethics and adhering to financial-service-industry-standard corporate governance and to the strict guidance and instructions of the relevant regulators.

In September 2022, Oryx Group acquired (as it was called at the time) ICC Intercertus Capital Ltd.

As is prudent, prior to acquiring ICC Intercertus Capital Ltd, the Oryx Group carried out a thorough due diligence process of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (“CySEC”) regulated entity and found no red flags of note and in fact the CySEC regulated firm had to date only received 6 complaints in its entire 6-year histoy and all complaints have been resolved and none are pending.”