Video: Madrid’s dancing senior captivates the internet

Footage of the elderly man improvising moves with a street performer has been seen over a million times

The viral video of Mariano dancing with a street performer.Video: EPV

A street performer is singing My Baby Just Cares For Me by Nina Simone in Madrid’s busy Gran Vía thoroughfare, when an elderly man decides to join in on the action.

His name is Mariano, and he is regularly seen dancing to live music on the streets of the Spanish capital.

A video of his recent performance on Gran Via was shared by the novelist Carlos Hugo Asperilla, and quickly became viral on Twitter and Facebook.

Many users recognized Mariano, and shared other videos of him where he is seen dancing to Metallica or during the live performances for Gay Pride.

Nor does he rest at night.

Here he is giving it his all in August.

And here is one of him dancing to Metallica.

At Gay Pride giving it everything!

English version by Melissa Kitson.

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