¿Qué? podcast: Interview with British ambassador to Spain Simon Manley

In this bonus episode of season 2, the outgoing diplomat discusses Brexit, digital diplomacy and just how Spanish he is after six years in the role

Simon Manley speaks to Simon Hunter and Verónica Figueroa.Luis Almódovar

Just when you thought that the ¿Qué? podcast had been put to bed for the summer, we are back with this special bonus episode of season 2.

English Edition editor Simon Hunter had the chance to chat to outgoing British ambassador to Spain Simon Manley, and discussed a range of issues including Brexit, digital diplomacy and his achievements during his six years in the role.

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The interview was topped off with a quick-fire round of questions – mostly about food – to see just how much of his adoptive country had rubbed off on him over the years.

¿Qué? is a podcast that tries to explain to an English-speaking audience the curious, the under-reported and sometimes simply bizarre news stories that are often in the headlines in Spain.

If you have any comments or questions about the topics we discuss, or would like to suggest issues for future podcasts, email us at englishedition@elpais.es or tweet Simon Hunter at @simoninmadrid using the hashtag #quepodcast.

And if you want more information about all the podcasts available from EL PAÍS, visit this website.

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